
The English Department Faculty is resourceful and well-networked, and includes widely-published scholars and authors. Faculty members include recipients of major grants from the UGC and ICSSR; and fellowships from IIAS, The Royal Historical Society, London, The Fulbright Fellowship and The Erasmus Mundus Fellowship, to name a few.

Our distinguished faculty has subject interests spanning a variety of literary traditions and forms that include creative writing; early modern literatures from India and abroad; translation studies;  gender and sexuality studies, folk and popular cultures and visual narratives - all evinced in their publications and research. This is also reflected in the interdisciplinary pedagogical practices the department adopts to equip it's students with a wide variety of methodologies to choose from, in future academic and professional aspirations.

The department holds a regular Faculty Lecture Series, a platform in which both current and former faculty members are invited to share  their current reasearch from their areas of specialisation: an exercise that allows for real academic engagement amongst peers and serves as a true learning exercise for our students in bridging theoretical knowledge with practical research applications.