
The Oswal-Sena Library, is one of the English Department’s prized possessions. It was set up between (2000-2002) with books donated by Mr. Sushil Oswal through the late Professor Vinod Sena (retired from Delhi University), both of whom were visually challenged and committed to creating voice recordings, braille libraries and digitised versions of books. Over time, Prof. Sena added to the collection, and even after his death, his daughter donated cartons of books. These books were a significant donation when the English department decided to set up its own library.

Now, for over two decades, the library has added a diverse array of poetry, fiction, drama and critical material, ranging from now-out-of-print anthologies of Jacobean drama to essays by Deleuze on Foucault, some of which aren't available even in the college library. This substantial collection of books has now been catalogued and is run in-house by the department’s faculty and students. The books are available on a weekly basis to students who can either borrow these or inculcate reading habits and learn to incorporate referencing material in classic analogous fashion too.