Annual Department seminar
In 2024 the theme for annual Department seminar was Positive Psychology called: ‘Eunoia: A Beautiful Presence’. Three interactive lectures were held in the morning followed by experiential activites and small-group workshops in the afternoon session.
For Staff Progression

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For Student Progression

International webinar
Internationally renowned neurologist Dr. Abhijit Das, Associate Professor at the University of Central Lancashire delivered a talk on "The Emerging Neuroscience of NonOrdinary States of Consciousness (NOSC) - A Modern Way to Eudaimonia/ Ananda". The event was attented by numerous neuroscience enthusiasts from across the globe.
For Staff Progression

Outreach activities: Daan Utsav
On October 30, 2023, Gargi College's Psychology Department distributed food grains to underprivileged families in the PWD area. These efforts, spanning three weeks, led to the collection of 15 packets, each containing wheat flour, rice, lentils, sugar, tea leaves, and cooking oil. 15 families were supported, ensuring their basic food requirements were met. We remain dedicated to extending this assistance in the future, making a positive impact on their lives.
For Support Staff Progression

For Student Progression

Menstrual Hygiene Practices
On October 27, 2023, the Psychology Department of Gargi College organized a donation drive, providing essential menstrual products to Mera India Mera Adhikar (MIMA), which supports underprivileged children in Delhi's slums. The team visited MIMA, distributing pads and educating girls about menstrual hygiene. This initiative made a positive impact on those in need.
For Staff Progression

For Support Staff Progression
For Student Progression

Certificate Course on Holistic Wellbeing (2023-24)
Between September 2023 and May 2024, a Certificate course on Holistic Wellbeing is on offer from the Dept. of Psychology. The course was open to all students and faculty of Gargi College. Some of the themes covered so far in this course include: spirituality and wellbeing, health and wellbeing, wellbeing of youth and adolescents, Ayurveda and nutrition, mindfulness and wellbeing. A total of 94 participants attended this certificate course from across diverse streams that are taught at Gargi College.
For Staff Progression

Certificate Course on Research Skills (2023-24)
Students of Gargi College were offered a certificate course on Research Skills by the Dept. of Psychology. Funadamental aspects of research like formulating a research question, review of literature, data analysis using quantitative and qualititaive approaches as well as ethics in research writing, plagiarism were taught to the students. A total of 100 participants benefitted from this course.
For Staff Progression

Teachers' Day, 2023
On the occassion of Teachers' Day students of the Dept. of Psyhcology organized a small get-together celebrating the teacher-student relationship. A few fun games around concepts taught in class were organized by students, followed by sharing of experiences around the joys of teaching.
For Support Staff Progression

For Student Progression
Lecture Series
The Dept. of Psychology regularly organizes talks, workshops during ECA breaks. Some glimpses of ECA activites may be found in the enclosed pictures.
For Staff Progression

For Support Staff Progression

For Student Progression
Nation First, Always First
On the occassion of Independence Day, the Department of Psychology organized poetry competition, photography competition and strory writing competition. The theme of the event was 'What Freedom means to You". Participants were invited to share personal art work that capture the spirit of Independence day, patriotic symbols or historical landmarks.
For Student Progression

Session on ‘Special Education: Inclusion and Implementation’.
Ms. Ritika Marwaha, Special Educator and also a Gargi Psychology alumna, conducted an interactive expert session on ‘Special Education: Inclusion and Implementation’.
World Mental Health Day Celebrations
Dr. Vidhya Nair, Holistic Psychologist, helmed a session on ‘Mental Health and Well-being of the Student Community’ as part of our World Mental Health Day Celebrations.
75th Independence Day Celebrations
As part of the 75th Independence Day, the department organized a talent showcase, creative writing competition, and photo exhibition.
Importance of Media Suicide Reporting for Suicide Prevention.
In this lecture Dr Soumitra Pathare, psychiatrist, and the Director of the Centre for Mental Health Law and Policy interacted with students about media guidelines for reporting suicides, and reality of suicides in India. He also discussed and Suicide Prevention & Implementation Reasearch iniTiative, and what students could do at their own level to contribute to suicide prevention.
For Student Progression

Mental health care during COVID 19.
Department of Psychology, Gargi College, organized an International/National series of Webinars with participation from the following experts : Prof.Isaac Prilleltensky, Vice Provost for Institutional Culture, Erwin and Barbara Mautner Chair in Community Well-Being, University of Miami, USA; Dr.Amit Sen, Director, Senior Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, Children First, New Delhi; Ms. Rajita Ramachandram, Psychotherapist (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapist), Founder AltMindShift, Mumbai.
For Staff Progression