Vision and Mission


The Department of Psychology at Gargi College envisions a future where our graduates are change-makers and leaders in the field of psychology, dedicated to promoting holistic education, mental health, and well-being for the betterment of society. Being one of the best colleges for Psychology in India, we aspire to create a vibrant academic community that promotes intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, kindness, and empathy among our young minds, thereby excelling even more in psychological education, research, and practice. Together, we strive to build a healthier, more compassionate society where every individual's mental health is valued and supported.



At the Department of Psychology, Gargi College, our mission is to provide a holistic education that empowers students with a deep understanding of the theory and practice of the subject matter. We are dedicated to fostering academic excellence, promoting mental health and well-being, and nurturing compassionate individuals. Through rigorous practicals related to the course curriculum as well as individual/collaborative research undertaken by both students and professors; the use of innovative teaching methods, and various outreach programs, we aim to contribute significantly to the field of psychology and society at large.