Gargi has a rich library with a total of 76946 accessioned books, a collection of 381 CDs; access to 42 periodicals and 10 newspapers. It has various facilities like a reading room for students, a separate reading room for teachers, facility of Web-OPAC, UGC-InflibNet and access to DULS e- resources as well. In addition, we have a separate website for our library accessible through the URL, which is designed to assist our users. The library has access to the Electronic Resource Management package for e-resources: User control provided by NLIST. The library subscribes to a large number of Electronics Resources through UGC- Infonet, which includes e-resources (6000 + e-journals and 199500+ e-Books under N-LIST & 600000 e-Books through NDLI) and University of Delhi connectivity which includes Delhi University Library Systems’ Reference Sources, Bibliographic Sources, Statistical Sources and Full Text Sources. By March 31, 2023, students had consulted and borrowed a total of over 222,117 books from the library, excluding periodicals, while the library was visited by approximately 50,854 students, excluding faculty and non-teaching staff.