
Teacher Convener: Dr. Niyati Singh (Department of chemistry)
The post holders for the session 2024-25 are:
President- Prarthana Tiwari, B. Com Hons 3rd year
Vice President- Shalu Kumari, B. Com Prog 3rd year
Treasurer- Vaishali Singh, B.Sc Mathematics Hons 2nd year
A society that fancies dance as an art form that captivates the sight of the beholder, mesmerizes their soul, and keeps them enchanted is The Indian Dance Society of Gargi College - NAZAAKAT. The name itself resonates with the glory of their unity in diversity themed Indian culture. Consisting of dancers that believe in propelling themselves forward, Nazaakat excels in exhibiting the essence of classical and folk dances across India. We challenge ourselves to explore new folk forms like Raunpa-Jhumur (West Bengal), Bhavai (Rajasthan), Bihu (Assam), Garba (Gujarat), Chhau (Odisha) and many more.
The annual production of Nazaakat 23-24 was the famous folk style of “Jogathi Nruthya" has received immense appreciation. Jogathi Nruthya is a folk-art form of north Karnataka, performed by female devotees of goddess Yellamma. Nazaakat were invited for the opportunity to perform their annual production in TedX conducted by Delhi School of Economics (DSE) at Pradhan Mantri Sangrahalaya, New Delhi. as guest performers.
Some of their mentionable achievements for year 23-24 till date are as follow: -
- 1st position in IIT-BHU
- 1st position in SGTB Khalsa DU
- 1st position in Deshbandhu College
- 1st position in Ram Lal Anand College.
- 1st Position in Shaheed Bhagat Singh Evening College.
- 2nd position in Vivekananda College DU
- 2nd position in Swami Shraddhanand College DU
- 2nd position in Dyal Singh Evening College
- 3rd position in Nandita Aurobindo college
- 3rd position in PGDAV NSS
- 3rd position in PGDAV DU
- 3rd position in ARSD DU
- 3rd position in SPMC DU
The enthusiasm and commitment of each member, the dynamic, expressive dance, appealing costumes, unrivalled intricate choreography, team spirit and dedication to dance are what distinguishes the society from the others at DU.
Office Bearers (2024-25)
- President : Prarthana Tiwari : B. Com (Hons)
- Vice-President : Shalu : B. Com (Prog)
- Treasurer : Vaishali Singh : B. Sc. Maths (Hons)
Nazaakat - The Indian Dance Society’s Folk Production for the year 2023-24 Jogathi Nruthya- The folk form of Northern Karnataka
Mayurbhanj Chhau - The Annual Production for the year of 2022-23
Classical dance group of Nazaakat-The Indian Dance Society
Nazaakat securing first position in SGTB Khalsa college and many more competitions under DU Folk Circuit
Nazaakat winning the First position in Kashiyatra’24 at IIT BHU
Nazaakat - The Indian Dance Society’s Folk Production for the year 2023-24 Jogathi Nruthya- The folk form of Northern Karnataka
Mayurbhanj Chhau - The Annual Production for the year of 2022-23
Classical dance group of Nazaakat-The Indian Dance Society
Nazaakat securing first position in SGTB Khalsa college and many more competitions under DU Folk Circuit
Nazaakat winning the First position in Kashiyatra’24 at IIT BHU
Society Activities
NAZAAKAT, the Indian Dance Society of Gargi college, has actively organised two Inter college competitions under ‘Reverie’24.
- ‘Lasya’, a Solo Classical Dance Competition, saw participation of numerous participants from different colleges.
- ‘Dhanak’, The Indian Group Folk Dance Competition, got an active participation of 11 teams from various colleges.